Privacy statement

This privacy statement applies to Badminton Vereniging Amsterdam, registered with the Chamber of Commerce as Badminton Vereniging Amsterdam (for shortening BVA). BVA can be reached via This privacy statement was last modified on 13-05-2018.

If you visit our website, request information via our website, or you register with us, we will record your personal data. We are careful with the processing and security of your personal data. Hereby we comply with the law and regulations concerning the protection of personal data, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In this privacy statement you can read how we handle your personal data.

What are personal data and what is meant by the processing of personal data?
A personal data is all information about an identified or identifiable natural person. Any data with which a person can be identified directly or indirectly is personal data. It may concern your name and contact details and any other data that is or may be linked to you, including e-mail address and bank details.
The processing of personal data means any action or set of actions with regard to personal data.

Who is controller for the processing of your personal data?
BVA is responsible for the processing of your personal data. This means that BVA determines the purposes and means for processing itself and that BVA is responsible for compliance with the regulations.

What do we use your personal data for?
BVA collects and uses the necessary personal data for the following purposes only:
* for processing in our member administrations;
* to register as a member of Badminton Netherlands (the national badminton association);
* to be able to contact (potential) members;
* sending the annual invoice.

We also use your personal information to inform you about relevant events and / or badminton activities. We take your preferences into account. If you no longer wish to receive information from BVA, then BVA always offers you the opportunity to write out.

Why may we process your personal data?
According to the legislation, BVA may only process personal data if one of the legal bases applies. BVA uses the following legal grounds for the processing of personal data:
1. after obtaining permission from the parties involved;
2. in the context of the formation and / or execution of an agreement;
3. to comply with the law (including accounting treatment, tax obligations and obligations in connection with court orders or other mandatory laws and regulations);

For example, personal data are processed in connection with:
* managing member data or supporting it;
* taking care of and improving the website.

On the website, visitor data are kept as the most requested pages by a visitor. The purpose of this is to optimize the layout of the website. On our website you will find a number of links to other websites. Although these websites have been selected with care, we cannot accept responsibility for the use of your data by those organizations. Read the Privacy Statement, if present, of the website you are visiting.

How long do we keep your personal data?
BVA does not store personal data for longer than necessary for the purposes for which the data are processed, and in any case as long as specific regulations require.
If someone unsubscribe as a member of BVA, we will retain the data until the end of the next season. This will be in principle maximum of 2 years after the termination of the membership. This in connection with the collection of any overdue contributions and fines. After this moment, the data is anonymized (name, address, phone, e-mail, date of birth only month and year) so that we keep an overview of the development of the membership numbers. Details of defaulters and members of whom the board has canceled membership will be kept for 10 years.

What information do we collect about members?
We only collect data that we need to perform our tasks. These are at least the name, the home address, the e-mail address, the telephone number, the gender, a passport photo, the date of birth and the registration date. We also collect the contact details of both parents of junior members.
The treasurer also collects data that are important for collecting the contribution. The competition leader collects data that is important for the composition of teams and the smooth running of the competition.

How do we store the data?
The data is stored in a authorization protected data environment (dropbox) and in a mailing list (Vevida).

Who has access to that data?
All board members have access to this data. In addition, we share the relevant data with Badminton Nederland. Volunteers only receive your details if this is necessary for their volunteer work.

Processing register

PurposeMember administration
Managed bySecretary BVA
InvolvedMembers of BVA, parent (s) of youth members
Personal data* Name, address, city
* Gender
* Registration date
* Date of birth
* Phone number
* E-mail address
* Photos of activities, tournaments, also used to promote the club
* Data regarding contribution payment
* Telephone number and e-mail address of basically both parents of youth members
Retention periodUp to two years after end of membership unless there is a legal obligation to retain data for longer. Details of defaulters and members whose membership has been canceled by the board are kept for 10 years
Systemsinvolved* Registration system Badminton Nederlands
* Secure data environment (Dropbox)
* Mailmanager (Vevida mailing list)

How do we obtain your personal data?
When you register as a member at BVA, you will be asked for a number of personal details. Of course, it is assumed that the new member has filled in this information truthfully. In addition, each member has the duty to inform the membership administration of any changes to her / his data.

What are your privacy rights?
You have the right to access your personal data, the right to request correction, limitation or removal of your personal data, and you can also request the transfer of your data. Finally, you can object to the use of your data.

If the processing of your data is based on permission, you can withdraw it at any time.
You can send your written requests or questions regarding privacy related matters to You will receive an answer as soon as possible. You are also entitled to submit a complaint about the use of your data with the Authority for personal data.

Would you like to know more about the legislation on the protection of personal data? Look at

We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Statement. Therefore, check the Privacy Statement regularly for the latest version of our privacy policy.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us at